This week is all about sugar.
Watch the video 'how sugar works in our bodies'. Complete the quiz then take action.
The actions are as follows:
1. Look at names for sugar. Use the checklist to check your cupboards and fridges. Start looking at labels when you go shopping.
2. Find out more about hidden sugars in our foods. Complete the activity on sugar in processed foods and work out how much sugar is in common processed foods.
3. Listen to and try the Anchor exercise - especially if you are tempted to grab something sweet.
Report back.
Check out the game at the end - just for fun
Keep paying attention to the Hunger Scale, what you drink and keep doing a little activity every day if you can.
How are you getting on with noticing thoughts? When you feel tempted to overeat - can you notice that thought then try taking 10 deep breaths? |
Click on a tab to find out what to do. A tab is active when it is 'pink' and inactive when it is 'grey'.
Click on the grey tab to turn it active
Watch the videos , complete the quizzes and commit to action. Small changes make a big difference.
Dr Chris Fenn - Nutritionist shares information about sugar with us.
In this section we have 2 activities for you to to do: 1. Find out about the names for sugar in the video 2.Use the sugar checklist to see what you have in your cupboards and fridge.Take it with you next time you are at the shops.
Listen to the audio. It is short and can help you to pause before eating something you don't really want or need. Pause to think how you will feel if you go ahead and eat(or drink) something you know your body doesn't need right now. Easy to do. |
Just for fun....see if you can find the words for sugar. Remember playing hangman? It's a bit like that but you have apples to pick from a tree! You get a limited number of goes to find the the letters that make up a word or words. Have fun
Click this link to have a go. You will need internet access for this.
Click this link to have a go. You will need internet access for this.